

package Plagger::Plugin::Filter::SpamAssassin;
use strict;
use base qw( Plagger::Plugin );

use Mail::SpamAssassin;

sub register {
    my($self, $context) = @_;
        'plugin.init' => \&init_spamassassin,
        'update.entry.fixup' => \&filter,

sub init_spamassassin {
    my($self, $context, $args) = @_;

    $context->log(debug => "initializing SpamAssassin");
    $self->{spamassassin} = Mail::SpamAssassin->new($self->conf->{new});

sub filter {
    my($self, $context, $args) = @_;

    my $sa    = $self->{spamassassin};
    my $entry = $args->{entry};
    my $tag   = $self->conf->{spam_tag} || 'SPAM';

    # create a pseudo mail header to skip some of the sa's default tests
    my $status = $sa->check_message_text(
        join "\n", 'Subject: ' . $entry->title, "\n", $entry->body

    if ($status->is_spam) {
        $context->log(debug => "spam found");

        $entry->title("[$tag] " . $entry->title) if $self->conf->{add_tag_to_title};
        $entry->body($entry->body . $status->get_report) if $self->conf->{add_report};




=head1 NAME

Plagger::Plugin::Filter::SpamAssassin - mark spams


  - module: SmartFeed::SpamAssassin
      spam_tag: SPAM
      add_tag_to_title: 1
      add_report: 0
        local_tests_only: 1
          - score MISSING_SUBJECT 0.0
          - score MISSING_HB_SEP  0.0
          - score MISSING_HEADERS 0.0
          - score EMPTY_MESSAGE   0.0
          - score NO_RELAYS       0.0
          - score NO_RECEIVED     0.0
          - score TO_CC_NONE      0.0

=head1 CONFIG

=over 4

=item spam_tag

Specifies a tag string that will be added to entry's title or
tag (category)

=item add_tag_to_title

If set to true, the tag will be added to spam entry's title.

=item add_report

If set to true, the SpamAssassin's report will be added to spam 
entry's body.

=item new

Options passed to Mail::SpamAssassin->new(). See L<Mail::SpamAssassin>
for details.


=head1 AUTHOR

Kenichi Ishigaki

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Plagger>, L<Plagger::Plugin::SmartFeed::All>, L<Mail::SpamAssassin>
