lvalue subとPerl debugger

iandeth.さんのところで「lvalue がデバッグモードで正しく動作しない」という話を読んで興味を覚えたので「perl lvalue debugger attribute」なんてキーワードでちょろっと検索。とりあえずOOToolsなどのPODに既知の問題として紹介されていますね。


Due to the perl bug #17663 (Perl 5 Debugger doesn't handle properly lvalue sub assignment), you must know that under the -d switch the lvalue sub assignment will not work, so your program will not run as you expect.

In order to avoid the perl-bug you have 3 alternatives:

  1. patch perl itself as suggested in this post: (See also the cgi-builder-users mailinglist about that topic)
  2. use the lvalue sub assignment (e.g. $s->any_property = 'something') only if you will never need -d
  3. if you plan to use -d, use only standard assignments (e.g. $s->any_property('something'))

Maybe a next version of perl will fix the bug, or maybe lvalue subs will be banned forever, meanwhile be careful with lvalue sub assignment.



ところで素敵なperl monkが索敵なperl monkに見えてしまった件について。